FORY 5470/6470 GIS APPLICATIONS IN NATURAL RESOURCES (2) LEC. 1. LAB. 3. Basic understanding of GIS through discussion of the components of a GIS and how GIS are used in natural resources applications. Spring and Fall.
Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
• Understand GIS concepts and implementation of concepts with ArcGIS Pro.
• Identify appropriate approaches or techniques for solving or addressing problems using GIS.
• Develop familiarity with GIS as a useful tool for analyzing natural resources management problems.
• Report an approach for addressing a problem in forestry/natural resources using GIS concepts learnt throughout the course.
GSEI 5430/6430 APPLICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS (3) LEC. 2. LAB. 2. This course emphasizes applications of earth observations to forestry, wildlife, environment and natural resources and covers both the technology and application of observing earth from space, as well data acquired from airborne platforms. Fall.
Upon successfully completing this course students will become familiar with earth observation techniques and will be exposed to a wide range of applications related to geospatial and earth observation data. Students are expected to:
• Gain a broad and comprehensive understanding of earth observation and applications of earth observations to natural resources.
• Understand sensor characteristics and identify appropriate sources of geospatial and earth observation data for environmental analysis.
• Manipulate and analyze data from airborne and spaceborne platforms to generate information for environmental sensing and monitoring.
• Develop, report, and present a research project, based on topics covered in the course applied to a real-world scenario.
• Recognize the relationships between data availability and applications and create linkages between earth observation data and environmental applications for societal benefit.